Tlingit Placenames - Demo Site

A Digital Collection of Tlingit Placenames Built Using Collection Builder CSV

Contents: TRTFN | About TRT placenames Demo | Collection Builder | Tech


The Taku River Tlingit First Nation is located in Northern BC (Canada). TRTFN traditional territory encompasses an area that expands beyond provincial/territorial and national borders.

About TRT placenames Demo

This website is a sandbox for developing the TRT Language and Land App, a static mobile version of the existing TRTFN GeoLive placenames map.

The Language and Land App is a collaborative project with the TRTFN Land Guardians, who “act as the eyes and ears of the TRTFN Lands Department.”

Also audio pronunciation:

Áa Tlein audio


Placenames tell us stories about the land, about our connection with place, history, and all relations.

How to italicize

How to bold

How to bold and italicize

Bullets and numbering:

  1. Thing one
  2. Thing two
  3. Thing three

Collection Builder

This demo is based on templates from the University of Idaho Library’s Digital Collections, and is built using CollectionBuilder-CSV.

CollectionBuilder-CSV is a “Stand Alone” template for creating digital collection and exhibit websites using Jekyll, given:

Driven by your collection metadata, the template generates engaging visualizations to browse and explore your objects. The resulting static site can be hosted on any basic web server.

CollectionBuilder is an set of open source tools for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that are driven by metadata and powered by modern static web technology. See CB Docs for detailed information.

{% include feature/image.html objectid="demo_001" width="75" %}

Include a PDF

The PDF is not rendering in your browser. Please download the PDF to view.

Tlingit Placenames Map

Include a Video

Include an Audio File

A Xeegí Deiyí Shaa audio

Include Bootstrap Features

The template also provides includes to make it easier to add Bootstrap components to your Markdown writing. These features allow you to better organize and highlight your content.

Include a Card

"Shoulder Trail Mountain," previously called Monarch Mountain
This is a Card

The card features an image from the collection as a cap

Include a Button

Include an Alert

Include a Modal


Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

Using the CollectionBuilder-CSV template and the static website generator Jekyll, this project creates an engaging interface to explore driven by metadata.

More Information Available

Technical Specifications
IMLS Support